Important Information You Should Know
Four Tax Facts about the Health Care Law for Individuals
Taxpayer Bill-of-Rights
News Releases for Current Month
Coronavirus Tax Relief and Economic Impact Payments
Where's My Refund Contact Information:'s-My-Refund-It's-Quick,-Easy,-and-Secure
Get Your Transcript
Paying your taxes online/view your balance and payment history
Treasury Offset Program
If you have questions regarding the offset of your federal tax refund or offset of another U.S. government-issued payment. You can call our Treasury Offset Program (TOP) Call Center to obtain agency contact information during our customer service hours.
Toll Free: 800.304.3107
​TDD number: 866.297.0517
Illinois Department of Revenue Service State Income Tax Contact Information
​What Should You Bring
With You to the Office to File Your Return
Wage and other income statements (W-2's, 1099s, income and dividends on interest statements)
New client previous year prepared income tax returns
Pension/IRA/annuity income (1099-R)
Social security/RRB income (1099-SSA, RRB-1099)
Business expenses or other deductible expenses (receipts, credit statements, checks etc)
Record of purchase and/or sale of residence
Income and expense from rentals (cost, date placed in service, etc.) for depreciation
Records of sale of stocks and bonds
Forms 1098-T and 1098-E, if you received them
Scholarships and fellowships
Forms 1099-MISC, Schedules K-1, income records to verify amounts not reported on 1099s.
Unemployment, state tax refund (1099-G)
Gambling income (W-2G or records showing income)
Amount of any alimony received and ex-spouse's name
Health care reimbursements (1099-SA or 1099-LTC)
Record or property taxes paid
Mortgage or home equity interest paid
Birth dates and original Social Security cards for each individual being filed